"Yummie Bonez" are a specialty dog treat that are 100% beef, no by-products. There is not a single dog that has refused this special treat that we offer you. If your dog refuses it, we will refund your money in full. Presently, this specialty dog treat is only available to you through our website. When it comes to canines, we know best. This product is not a bone that can fracture your dogs teeth such as marrow bones. Nor is this product made of any type of rawhide which is not good for the digestive system of canines. This product was discovered by us by Master dog trainer Jim Stile while training his competition dogs. All dogs must chew. Dogs do everything with their mouth, show us affection, eat their food, and also satisfy anxiety that they may experience. So what would you like them to chew? Slippers, furniture, woodwork, possibly our prized possessions? This is a product that is guaranteed to satisfy your dogs need to chew that can be used as a medicine for your dog so that they don't chew what you do not want them to chew. It's the concept of deflection. Dogs are easily distracted from certain behaviors by providing optional behaviors such as chewing “Yummie Bonze”. We recommend that you provide your dog one of these "Yummy Bonez "each week where they will spend hours chewing on the large ones and that should placate them and satisfy them so that they do not chew on other possession's of yours. These treats are made of beef cartilage which is specially smoked, but come with one WARNING as concerns the large ones which is that you take away the remaining small disc of cartilage from your dog to avoid any choking hazard. This specialty dog treat is made available to you in single piece packages for the large ones and packages of five for the small ones. We recommend that you purchase a one month supply which is four packages. This recommendation we provide packaging of monthly supplies which saves on shipping costs.
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