Dog Training Facility in Ravena, NY
At Acadia Canine Academy, we are unique in the sense that we offer our dog training facility as a home enviornment, and not a kennel. We replicate the home environment as that is where the dog comes from, and must return to. This uniqueness sets us apart from all the others. We have a four-bedroom home in a quiet town which is situated on a 14.5 acre estate with a 1/2 acre large backyard fenced in for the safety of your pet, a full basement for training during inclement weather, and we offer an “Executive Suite” bedroom for those pets that are exceptionally large or may have issues with other dogs. This amenity which must be made a reservation for is the only amenity other than our supplemental nutritional raw diet that we require an extra fee for. You can view it as your pet having breakfast in bed and room service. The fee is $18 per day for a two-week board and train program and $12 a day for the 30-day board and train program. Advance reservations are a must and your pet must qualify for this amenity as it is limited. Your pet is taken to PetSmart regularly as part of their training and Lowe’s Home Improvement store, and Walmart where they are taught to heel alongside you with the shopping cart while they are in strict obedience and an assistance to you where they pull the cart for you without pulling you.
Due to our unique dog training facility of a home environment, as opposed to a kennel, and what we offer in our Board & Train Programs, which you may review on our Board & Train Page, but more detailed in our Board and Train Curriculum Page, you also have the fact that you are placing your dog not only with a dog trainer but also an animal behaviorist that is studied in and has taught the behaviors of canines. We at Acadia Canine Academy encourage you to check out other dog trainers, and explore what they offer for basic obedience. We will now detail to you what we offer as a regular board and train program at our K9 Academy Training Facility. We keep our attendance/enrollment to a limit of 5 dogs at any given time so that you can be assured that your dog is getting the attention and training we are committed to providing.
Our methodology in basic obedience board & train is conducted with positive reinforcement through the reward system with food, praise and toys, after we do a thorough assessment of your dog’s temperament. *We do not use compulsion with electric and prong collars.*
We train your dog in manners and respect such as, he or she must sit back from any entry or exit door until it is commanded to go through.
We train your dog that the use of his paws and jaws in expression of affection are unacceptable behaviors as that can cause injury to you, your children and others.
We train your dog to leave the kitchen on command, (Out of my Kitchen) and not to counter surf.
We train your dog not to drink out of the toilet bowl.
We take your dog’s temperature and do fecal inspections daily.
We provide a sanitary environment by vacuuming and mopping daily and launder your dog’s bedding as needed.
We bathe and brush your dog prior to coming home as a courtesy.
We teach and imprint the structure of the pack hierarchy so that it may be transferred over to you and that you are respected as the pack leader.
Allowing for the temperament of your dog, we make regular visits to PetSmart, Lowe’s Home-Improvement store, and Walmart.
Ready to get started? Click the link below to learn more and fill out our Board & Train Registration Form.