Dog Boarding and Training

Acadia Canine Academy proudly offers dog obedience training and boarding at our facility in Kingston, New York, only 1 1/2 hours from New York City. Space is limited for our dog boarding and training program also known as Board and Train or Dog Boot Camp. We strongly recommend early registration for the Board & Train Program. Many people like to coordinate enrollment in this program to coincide with their vacation time, family engagements, residence changes, and surgeries. With this in mind, please realize that early registration is necessary particularly in the Summertime due to travel restrictions being lifted post COVID. Fill out our Registration Form and send it to us to reserve your spot. This may be done via email, or regular mail but a reservation is not allocated until deposit is verified. Additionally, you may add a specialty diet for your dog of raw ground beef, raw egg, and whey protein powder. Add an additional cost of $7.20 per day.
Board & Train
Basic Dog Obedience Training Course
Dogs 5 months and older
*Pricing does not include NYS tax
2 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $3,089.70 Credit Card
2 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $3,000.00 Cash
3 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $3,584.05 Credit Card
3 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $3,480.00 Cash
4 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $4,078.40 Credit Card
4 week Board & Train Basic Obedience Course: $3,960 Cash Best Value
Our dog boarding and dog training program (Board and Train/Dog Boot Camp) was carefully designed for those families that just simply don't have the time to provide a consistent training regimen. In our private one-on-one course and while the owners are away on business or vacation, their dogs can have private lessons each day in our Board & Train Basic Dog Obedience Training Course.
Your dog will learn proper manners and behavior modification that will address unwanted jumping, excessive barking, aggression towards other dogs, promoting heeling on your side correctly without pulling, sit-stay-come-down and the word NO.
At the end of your dog's boarding and training, you will be educated on your dog's temperament. We will demonstrate what your dog has learned to do and not do. This critical part of your dog's training course is designed to teach you how to handle your dog and to ensure that you understand and can properly communicate and execute all of the commands effectively going forward.
Board & Train
The Curriculum
2 week / 3 week / 4 week board and dog training course
In-depth one-on-one education/instruction on what your dog's temperament is, what your dog was trained to do and not do, and how to carry forward your dog's training.
Lifetime discount on follow-up refresher lessons
Daily long walks and recreation (play) time
Bathed and brushed before departure
*A pre-registration interview is required as well as proof of vaccinations.
*All Board & Train fees must be paid in full at the beginning of this program.

What Will The Canine Learn?
Your dog will learn proper manners. Your dog will go through behavior modification that will correct behaviors such as unwanted jumping, excessive and/or unwarranted barking, aggression towards other dogs and species, and correctly reinforcing heeling on your side without pulling. The commands of sit, stay, come, down, and the word NO are reinforced throughout this training regimen.
After completion of the Board & Train period of training, you will need to attend one (1) one-on-one private lesson. This training session is a critical part of your dog’s training course, as this private lesson is designed to teach you how to handle your dog and to ensure that you understand and can properly execute all of the commands your dog was trained to obey. We also offer a pick up and drop off service at your convenience and expense (pick up and drop off does not include airfare, hotel stays and trainers fee).
The Fundamentals of Boarding and Training for Dogs
Relationship between man and canine evolves out of obedience. Without obedience, there cannot be respect and love. The bridge of communication must be built. Boarding and professional training for dogs allows us to build that bridge, and imprinting allows us to ensure this relationship’s strength. This is not a situation where you can go to the rest and then come to the best. Come to the best first. Your dog will not understand your apologies. Do not make the mistakes that many others make which is failure to investigate a proper dog trainer/behaviorist. Your dog is your family member and must be respected as such. The Board & Train Program at Acadia Canine Academy is essential to a successful relationship between the canine and its family members (the pack). Let us do the grunt work and make an impression on your dog with the proper fundamentals that will be imprinted into your dog in a manner that will not undermine the human/canine relationship. All too many times, humans through their ignorance damage and ruin relationships with canines that cannot then be repaired easily if at all. The methodology we employ is "Positive Reinforcement” through a reward system (food, toys, and praise). Compulsion (pain) is not part of our dog and puppy board and dog training curriculum. All training must leave off on a positive note. If the animal is left off with a bad taste with its training experience, no different than a human, “once bitten, twice shy”, the animal becomes reluctant to participate let alone learn. Leave the training to the dog training professionals, us!
Understanding canine behavior is essential to developing dog training programs. We have developed and excelled at this through the decades. We have not only a training program but “the training program”. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, just put your vehicle in gear by coming to us and relying upon us. Your dog is not only in good hands but the best hands when it comes to dog training and animal behavior. Our goal is to provide you with obedience training for your canine that sets the foundation for your pet to evolve into a well-rounded animal that understands its limitations and boundaries, has respect, and is not a “self-will-run-riot” in your home or outside the home when your dog is on leash. It is imperative to establish a clear line of communication with your dog through proper interaction. It is through a good foundation of dog obedience training that human beings are given the opportunity to develop and alter the canine's behavior.
You will learn how to teach your dog basic commands and how to solve behavior problems such as excessive barking, unwanted jumping and aggression towards other dogs. Please go to our "Facility Page" to see what more value for your dollar that you get in addition to basic obedience that you will not find elsewhere.
To get started, please fill out the Registration Form linked below. Additionally, the Board & Train Registration Form will need to be filled out, signed, and emailed back to It is linked below as well. If you have any problems downloading a form, please contact us at 518-646-6731.